Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

Running today for those who know the true meaning of heat runs
For those who know what running under stress is
Who know how to run through pain
And for those who no longer can
We thank all those who have served our country

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Speed workout

Forgot my running shoes at a friend's house today. I didn't have much time so I did 2 sets of these.  They aren't the most painful workouts but it gets your heart going. After the first round or so the timing is super simple. Pinned Image

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Next time you eat a BIG MAC are you willing to put in the time to work it off???
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Because working out is more fun then sitting on the couch
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Run to Freedom

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Get Out and Get Sweaty

"I feel there is nothing more cleansing for the mind, soul, and body then pushing yourself physically until you can go no further." 
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Tuesday, May 21, 2013


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         If it was easy every one would do it. Why does everyone treat pain like it is a negative thing? Pain is the ultimate test. Without pain there would be no winners. Without pain we would all be equal. Without pain we would never find out how strong we really are.  You may say you love to workout or you love to run but there is no love without sacrifice and no success without pain.  If you haven't had to go through pain to get some where you can't be proud of it because it means that you naturally had it or it was handed to you. There is no personal merit in that.  Why do we always cheer for the underdogs? Because they are the true champions fighting there way through to success.  Nothing in life depends on what has happened to you. NOTHING...there are amputees completing Iron-Mans.  There are people who have had worse things happen to them then you can ever imagine and they have used it to make them strong.  You can either be miserable or strong...the choice is yours.  What's your excuse? You couldn't handle it? You were scared? Is that how you want to live not putting your full strength into anything? Outlast the pain and when it is finished you can look back at the beast and laugh.  You can say "do your worst" because I know I will never give up.  

Finish Strong...and be proud at the end of each and every work out.

Inner Champion

       Today I start training for the new XC season.  My coach just retired and we have a new coach who I know will push us harder. But, I have a whole summer to push myself alone, to keep myself accountable, and to find out the runner that I can be.  I am not the fastest runner, not even close, but I can be the strongest runner. I can be strong mentally. I can do extra reps. I can work on my form. I can eat well and get sleep.  I can be the runner that inspires and brings people up.  How will you find your inner champion today?

Monday, May 13, 2013

Reasons to workout

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Quote of the day

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VDOT Training

         In training especially over the summer by myself I love using the VDOT time system. For those of you who don't know, the VDOT system gives you a table from which you can figure out what times you should be running depending on your pace.  If you don't know your number here is a list These numbers are based off of your minimum mile time.  If you train by yourself and want to know your times for the different paces here is a nice little chart.  Enjoy!!


Some running apps that are great to keep in shape...Free Fitness Apps What ones do you like?

Thursday, May 9, 2013